Diwrnod Strafagansa Pres Brass Extravaganza Day
Dydd Sadwrn 25 Ionawr 2020 – Saturday 25 January 2020
Yr Hen Goleg / Old College Aberystwyth SY23 2AY
Cystadleuaeth Ieuenctid Unawd & Grwp / Youth Solo and Ensemble contest
Noddwyr yn cynnwys / Sponsors include:
- Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
- Tŷ Cerdd
- Aberystwyth University Music Centre

Latest News
- Report on the Visit of Orchestre D’Harmonie de Saint-Brieuc to Aberystwyth
- Concert to Celebrate the Life of John R Davies
- Annual Awards
- Brass Extravaganza Review
- Aberystwyth 700
Upcoming Events
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